Long time, no updates... So here's an update...
Life has been somewhat complicated for me recently. I'll leave that where it is. Those who know me know something of what I speak, but I'll leave out the various and sundry details. (You've been spared.)
Right now, I'm in New Jersey. Unfortunately I missed Dave and Scoble in Manhattan yesterday.
I recently had some long-overdue minor-medical treatment last week in Dallas (where my dad lives). Don't worry: it was nothing serious.
I'm looking forward to a New York - New Year -- something I've never done before: It'll be fun!
And hey -- it looks like I'll be at some sort of weblogger's get-together type event at O'Flanagan's Ale House this evening (at 1591 2nd Ave, between 82nd and 83rd in Manhattan.)... I'm sure nobody would mind an extra few people -- As far as I can tell, party crashers are welcome.
As for New Year's resolutions, I have the same one that I had last year: I resolve to live my life as fully as I can this year, because who knows what next year will bring... (Oh, and I should probably quit smoking. ;-)