August 14, 2003

Dan Bricklin: "Not only can QOS make the Internet worse for applications we need and depend upon, it won't be able to help deliver on its promise. I also believe that while the need for QOS sounds intuitive at first, once you think about it a bit, you'll see that common sense argues against it in the context of the Internet."
5:36:40 PM  

From Nature on November 8, 2002: "Power grids are inherently prone to big blackouts, say US scientists. Trying to make them more robust can make the problem worse."
2:00:03 PM  

Major power outage in Eastern Canada and the United States. CBC. Interesting article found through Google from the Gotham Gazette. "New York's blackouts are legendary. In 1965, a single transmission line failed in Toronto, Canada setting off a domino effect that within 15 minutes left 30 million people from Staten Island to Ontario in darkness. A movie was made about it starring Doris Day."
1:53:06 PM  

News.Com: "ATI said it entered a technology agreement with Microsoft to develop "custom, leading-edge graphics technologies" for the console."
9:05:39 AM  


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