Usernum 1014 : There are no secrets, only information you don't yet have.
Updated: 1/5/03; 12:34:28 PM.


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Friday, November 30, 2001


Cruise: "All this discussing about traffic makes me wonder.. does it really matter? I think not. The only thing that does matter is how much fun you have with blogging. If you don't have fun, don't bother making a weblog. If you dont have lots of traffic, Its still the fun that keeps you going."

You are so right! That is the real reason why my students and I blog. It is fun and a welcome addition to the prescribed humdrum nature of modern day schooling.  

Jasmine in Australia is an example of what I mean. My student, on holiday in Australia has written on a specially designed weblog for her trip. As her travelogue unfolds, my class are all going to comment on the blog and set her challenges and questions to answer. It is the perfect fun holiday assignment. 

[WeblogsInEducation News]
3:41:18 PM    Discuss

Nanotech, but Not in a Nanosecond. Venture capitalists seeking the next gold mine in the wake of the dot-com crash are peeking into nanotechnology. The science is there, but cashing in may take years, if not decades. Patrick McGee reports from Boston, Massachusetts. [Wired News]
3:27:52 PM    Discuss

Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Computer. This computer consists of DNA molecules and lives in a test tube. It can't do much at all. But hey, it's a computer nonetheless. Tania Hershman reports from Jerusalem. [Wired News]
3:27:08 PM    Discuss

Enron: A Bandwidth Bloodbath. The anticipated collapse of Enron will have a weighty impact on the struggling business of bandwidth trading, which the energy firm helped create at the height of the Internet boom. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
3:26:28 PM    Discuss

12742 » November 29 6:41 PM. If you miss Weblogs.Com's capability to keep a list of your favourite weblogs, you might want to try Yaysoft Weblog Directory (YayDir). It allows you to create weblog reading and favourite lists and keep track of their updates. The directory is searchable, which makes setting up reading and favourite lists a breeze. It currently tracks only weblogs that ping Weblogs.Com but I read here that they're going to have their own crawler soon. Neato! [MetaFilter]
10:09:17 AM    Discuss

Thomas A. Edison. "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." [#]
9:12:53 AM    Discuss

Apple's OS X Upgrade Fiasco. Apple's newest operating system sells for more than $100. The latest upgrade costs under $20. A couple of programmers discovered they could convert the upgrade into the full OS, and published the info. Apple: not happy. "Apple can send a cease-and-desist letter to websites, but they will never be able to stanch the data-bleed on Usenet," said New York attorney Mike Abrams. "No one is in charge of Usenet, and so there's no one to threaten with legal action. So Apple is pretty royally screwed here, in my professional opinion." [Wired News]
9:09:55 AM    Discuss

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