Tuesday, February 4, 2003 |
Just finished watching the 'Living with Michael Jackson' tv special. I'm impressed. America won't see the special until tomorrow, and many may not be interested, and at times there's a bit too much of the fan-stuff ("Germany loves you Michael!"). But at the core of this 'interview' are some very true words about our world that deserve being heard. At times I was inspired as well. Michael speaks eloquently about many topics that most would consider 'unmanly' at the very least: love and youth are at the top of his list.
Another of Michael's favourite words is ignorance. He uses it primarily when the topic of discussion is exactly that: Michael Jackson as the topic of discussion. He is not the first celebrity to speak publicly about how hurtful words can be, but he's certainly one who 's taken the beatings. It doesn't matter if you are famous, or rich. Money cannot sooth the sting.
Watching this make me think about how quick I myself am to judge other people. Even though I have met Michael, I too have taken part in the 'copy-paste' culture of popular expression.
Ignorance created a Big Lie in the New York times last year due to lazy BigPub copy-paste jocks. Whoops, there I go again. Of course, I don't really know those writers, but their work was definitely sub standard and just plain incorrect.
Now, check this out. The waves of copy-paste media can be ridden. This is in fact a big part of what show business is all about. Sure you can have great talent , but even if you make $20 million a movie, a media wipeout can drown your career. It's a simple as dangling your kid over the balcony in front of cameras. Interesting info on that incident, Michael held his other son [tightly] over the balcony as well that night. That video however, never made it to my tv set. Maybe it wasn't as spectacular looking as the baby?
That's what 'Living with Michael jackson' is all about, and I think Mike is surfing inside the tube on this one. Shit, everyone in showbizz knows kids and animals on tv always work :)
Regardless of what you think of Jackson before watching this program, your view will have changed by the end.
11:07:08 PM
Interesting flying lesson today. Dean arrived at the house as arranged, but after I did my pre-checks, the chopper wouldn't start. Dead battery! Pretty funny to see us out there, my gardener drove the audi up to the plane, we hooked up the jumper cables and voila!
After take-off we hit a snow storm, which my instructor made me take head on. Pretty cool and great experience. Once temps dropped to +2 celcius we went to the airport for some hover, takeoff and run-on landing practice. I landed back at the house (I did the whole approach and everything) and we kept the engine running as Dean slid over to drive, too afraid the battery would die again.
Sheet, who needs flying cars when you can buy a Robinson44 today :)
5:27:48 PM
Tonite we get to see the Michael Jackson interview that the world apparently is waiting breathlessly to view. with such a hot topic it's easy to understand how clips like this one are flowing through the net. Pretty scary stuff.
4:20:39 PM