Daily Source Code
The Daily Source Code Podcast


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  Wednesday, January 25, 2006

#323 Daily Source Code for Wednesday January 25th 2006

From Curry Cottage, Guildford, UK

- sunshine
- imnotpromo_EDIT2
- Earthlink
- Guy Cast Promo
- Shrink Rap Promo
* MM
- Kevin
- Podsafe venues (scalping)
- CreepyBushIsVader
* Sat window sound
- Acuvue
- JMackFeedback
- dsc322-splits-financialaidpodcast
* CB transfer probs
* PMN Music Videos
- looping
* Powerbook petition
* Podsafe Bill
- 05 Sound Scientist

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Time Code Based Shownotes
3:22:54 PM    

Click here to visit the Radio UserLand website. © Copyright 2006 Adam Curry.
Last update: 2/1/06; 2:08:49 PM.

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