

Blogs, BlackBoard and Linkage


About AC

Some very interesting comments and even a bit of pushback on my notes about "SchoolBlogs".

My first question to those much smarter than I, What is Blackboard? They've trademarked their slogan "Bringing Education Online". That's a big statement if you ask me. I really tried to understand what this is about. But all the "e" words scare me a bit. e-Education, Enterprise, e-Learning. brrr.

"Course management" is a big buzzword on the blackboard site. And the best marketing line has to be: Power student commerce and access transactions with a sophisticated, reliable, online transaction management system. Hmm, is that for the school bookstore?

Judging from their impressive list of investors, and the $100 million they 've raised, they must be good right? uh huh

To Greg, linking is what makes the internet work. It is the only true currency of the web. I'm dissapointed you won't link to my data center. As you correctly point out, it has a flash only site. Sure, that may suck, but at least we're trying to get something off the ground ourselves, something affordable and usable, without $100 million in investments from the BigCos who surely see BlackBoard as a vehicle to secure government educational contracts. Its big business.

I'm happy you linked to Blogger, I presume you're paying nothing for your weblog software, which runs on their servers, which they host in a datacenter somewhere. I don't see the harm in tossing me a link. Especially since you proceed to 'hint' that some 'developers' should integrate the BB BuildingBlocks (huh) with the Blogger and Manila API.s Well, if you don't support me, why the hell should I support you?

To Bill Kearney, who sent me an email, which I presume means he didn't want it posted publicly. Still,, I must ask some tough questions. What does Bill mean when he says: "What's needed is for someone to construct a framework that extends Manila that also interoperates with what's *really* in use in schools. I tried but Dave's unbelievably hostile behavior makes it impossible."

I don't care about your problems with my friend Dave, but I would definitely like to know what schools are *really* using. Please, help me out here. Lets get some constructive dialog and flow going. Greg and Bill, help me with the blueprints.

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Last update: 3/2/03; 11:35:45 AM
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