Good morning and welcome to my mini-weblog for Harvard work. I expect this to be a short-lived thing. We're setting up a server at, right now this is a category on my test Radio weblog. The purpose is to have a look at Bryan Bell's theme. We will ask the design school at Harvard to do this eventually, but theme design is still only practiced by a few, and I've been working Bryan on themes for years and years. I love his work so much. He did the design on Scripting News, the XML-RPC site, and Frontier and Manila, and The Two-Way-Web -- these are all Bryan-designed sites. I write the words, the code, and design the formats and protocols. Bryan makes it look like a billion dollars. Thanks man, you do wonderful work. I love the Harvard theme. It's so dramatic, yet respectful. Right on.
5:15:26 AM #
Copyright 2003 Dave Winer
Theme Design by Bryan Bell