Dave's Handsome Radio Blog!
Murphy-willing, a mind bomb a day keeps the doctor away!

Cindy McCaffrey on Google's ad policy

Dave, Doc,

Wanted to get to you both this a.m. in case you decide to put anything in
your weblogs today about our advertising announcement. The AP put out an
article last night that pretty directly implies that we're going to enable
advertisers to influence rankings through payment. Wrong. The AP headline
and article have been rewritten, but there's lots of coverage out there that
indicates we've followed the rest of the pack with pay-for-placement.

All we've done is modified our AdWords self-service program so that
adsvertisers can pay on a CPC basis (this is good news). The search results
continue to be as unbiased and objective as ever. We do not allow
advertisers to influence rankings in any way through payment.

I have a couple of links to more info:

Info about the new changes; new name of prgram is AdWords:

Our press annct:

Let me know if you have any Qs about this. Thanks!

© Copyright 2002 Dave Winer.
Last update: 2/20/2002; 11:05:29 AM.