Monday, September 16, 2002

> Congratulations to David M Johnson who recently passed me on the all-time most-read list:
65. Matthew Langham's Radio Weblog26,893  Link
66. Blogging Roller26,659  Link
67. Jeff's Radio Weblog26,314  Link
68. The Fat Guy26,065  Link
69. jenett.radio25,622  Link
   8:58:32 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Leander Kahney: Devan Simunovich trucks his collection of 50 compact Macs to raves, where he sets up classic game lounges. He's part of a thriving group committed to dusting off ancient Macs and getting them working again.
[Wired News]   1:28:55 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Word of the Day: redivivus
[ Word of the Day]   12:35:50 PM  Link  Google It!