Wednesday, November 13, 2002

> Hossein Derakhshan: Iranian female bloggers had a meeting yesterday in Tehran. They seem to have been a great time together, meeting each other by person. Unfortunately there is no report of the meeting in English, but I can quote from one of them: "Before, I used to chat only with boys, but now I mostly read other girl's weblogs."
[Editor: Myself - Hoder's English Blog]   11:57:10 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Brent's Law of Weblogs: If you're not syndicating, you're not publishing.
[]   3:47:29 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Dave Winer: Mark Pilgrim reports that the optimizations that UserLand and other aggregator developers deployed in the last few weeks have saved him substantially on bandwidth costs. He says "On a normal day when I updated repeatedly throughout the day, your support for conditional GET reduced my aggregator-related traffic by almost 40%." His stats page now tracks the savings.
[Scripting News]   3:13:37 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Damn, Dave makes one of his rare early morning appearances and I'm unable to post the item because Radio's RSS aggregator is faithfully following his skipHours... Guess I'll have to wait until later...   4:13:50 AM  Link  Google It!  
> Word of the Day: impassive
[ Word of the Day]   12:56:37 AM  Link  Google It!