Wednesday, February 5, 2003

> Rogers Cadenhead: The version numbering for Radio UserLand is leading David Weller, Scott Hanselman, and Sam Gentile to think it hasn't been updated in almost a year. Radio UserLand is updated frequently through automatic middle-of-the-night downloads -- the Radio.root changes feed lists 15 updates in the last month alone. People who quit using Radio say often that there's no support. Where are they looking? UserLand programmers Jake Savin and Lawrence Lee participate frequently in the support and development discussion forums.
[Workbench]   5:30:04 PM  Link  Google It!  
> David Leonhardt: The American economy has fallen into its worst hiring slump in almost 20 years, and many business executives say they remain unsure when it will end.
[Headlines From The NY Times]   5:08:41 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Dave Winer: Last night I signed a deal to sell my house. Later today I fly to NY. As I leave, I realize that I'm free to move where ever I want. Freedom is an awesome thing. It's not always so comfortable. I'll let you know.
[Scripting News]   11:48:44 AM  Link  Google It!  
> Word of the Day: imbroglio
[ Word of the Day]   8:58:24 AM  Link  Google It!