Monday, September 22, 2003

> Alwin Hawkins: I guess I should get off my lazy ass, find out if the pMachine team is serious about rolling it in to the tool, and get moved over to MovableType or Blosxom if they aren't. Crap, I don't want to move this place again. Lazy, I am.
[Code The Web Socket]   3:19:01 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Brent Simmons: NetNewsWire 1.0.5 fixes a couple dozen bugs. The most important of these is to no longer share cookies with Safari, which eliminates a set of crashes and hangs reported by some users. For more details, see what[base ']s new in NetNewsWire 1.0.5 and the change notes.
[]   1:40:31 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Dan Gillmor: Chi-Chu Tschang says he was fired from his job at the Bloomberg news service because of his blog. If so,...
[Dan Gillmor's eJournal]   12:49:51 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Julie Powell: So, the cat's out of the bag already, a bit, but I should tell you all officially. There's no easy way to say this -- certainly not without arousing the ire of those who may think I've already gotten Too Big For My Britches. But it's true. I have landed a book deal. A really obscene book deal. I am, in fact, officially What's Wrong With Publishing Today. For which I am endlessly grateful, not to mention a wee bit terrified...
[The Julie/Julia Project]   11:07:05 AM  Link  Google It!