Monday, February 2, 2004

> Marc Barrot: I've created a new activeRenderer web site to go along with the long awaited 2.0 release of this outline publishing tool for Radio Userland. [read more]
[s l a m]   11:50:28 AM  Link  Google It!  
> Phil Windley: If you missed the RSSWinterfest, transcripts are available on the web (see the right hand side). The transcripts are a little rough, but useful. The format looks like a series of weblog posts and was a little confusing at first--just read up from the bottom of the page. You might be particularly interested in The Future of RSS discussion, the use of blogs by the DOJ, and applications of blogs and content syndication. Fixed these links to sort entries in ascending so you can just read from the top down.
[Windley's Enterprise Computing Weblog]   10:58:19 AM  Link  Google It!