> JY's Weblog > Mer 17 juil 2002

JY's Weblog

 mercredi 17 juillet 2002

Some interesting additions in Jaguar: "Mount ftp servers directly in Finder", "Long file names", "Multilingual spell checking" (I haven't found any French dictionary on apple's site, I understand why now).

Make a great Cocoa App and watch Apple clone your software : Sherlock3 == Watson. ????

After installing iTunes 3... Yes you can export in text version or XML version. It's not a big surprise since the dtd shows it's a macOSX propertyList format...

It's written in the new iTunes 3 French install file that you can export your playlists in XML. Is it a new feature or was it present in iTunes 2?? It's not written 'XML' in the English install file. French one: "Exporter toute votre bibliothèque musicale sous forme de XML.Exporter toute votre bibliothèque musicale sous forme de XML". English one: "Export playlists to archive them or to use on another computer using the Export Song List command. You can also export the song information for all the songs in a playlist or the library to use in another program."

CVS Considered Harmful. CVS has its own limits you have to deal with. But it still is far far better than no version control tool at all.

Brent Simmons' inner Dave Winer: "Do you need that feature, or is it just a distraction? Think of the users: don't put roadblocks in their way. Hack away at it until it's simple."

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