JY's Weblog
jeudi 9 janvier 2003
Here is how this cocoa Tabbed Browsing version would work :
I'm viewing scripting.com and i want to see 3 links that Dave points to.
- I Option-click on the 3 links
- The 4 (3+scripting.com) pages urls are stored in a dedicated bookmark folder
- and the 4 thumbnails of the pages open in a drawer on the side
If i click on a thumbnail, the page shows in the main window
If i click on a thumbnail and hit the delete key, the thumbnail goes away, and the url is taken off the dedicated bookmark folder
So you have a better experience than tabbed browsing since if you close the window, the urls stays in the dedicated bookmarks folder.
All the windows that you open share the same drawer, and the same dedicated bookmark folder
When you open the drawer, all the pages stored in the dedicated bookmark folder appear in the drawer.
If there are a lot of urls stored this way, the drawer gets a vertical scroll bar, the same way as it appears in the Preview application when you open a pdf file which has more than 1 page.
Any comments? jy@stervinou.com
Everybody talks about Tabbed Browsing (the Mozilla way), so here is my proposal for a Safari tabbed browsing experience. Looks more cocoa than tabs.