> JY's Weblog > Ven 22 aoû 2003

JY's Weblog

 vendredi 22 août 2003

My brother in law and his girlfriend are travelling over the world during 15 months (using their feet, some planes, some trains). Here are the first pictures, from China. If you speak chinese or esperanto, you are lucky . After Russia, Mongolia and China they should go next to South-Korea and Japan, next Pacific, next South-America, USA, Canada...

Elodie et Pierre-Yves et une famille chinoise


At the end of the year, Chantiers de l'Atlantique will ship the Queen Mary II, the biggest ocean liner ever built. Saint-Nazaire is 40 minutes away from Nantes. I'll try to go and visit the ship before it leaves. 2 years ago i went to see the Summit.

Queen Mary II


James Gosling (Java father): "I use the MAC because it's a great platform. One of the nice things about developing in Java on the MAC is that you get to develop on a lovely machine, but you don't cut yourself off from deploying on other platforms. It's a fast and easy platform to develop on. Rock solid. I never reboot my machine... Really! Opening and closing the lid on a Powerbook actually works. The machine is up and running instantly when you open it up. No viruses. Great UI. All the Java tools work here: NetBeans and JEdit are the ones I use most. I tend to think of OSX and Linux with QA and Taste."

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