X-log : Let the data flow!


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Thursday, April 10, 2003

Drivel: I downloaded and installed Safari this evening. I am hooked. It only took two features -- integrated spell checking and a Google search bar. Safari checks my spelling as I type in web forms, like my Radio editing box. I was a religious user of the Google IE toolbar on my PC laptop and have been looking for a replacement since I switched. Bye, bye IE.  11:11:34 PM   comments ()  

Drivel: I was working late last night on a spreadsheet for a client when Excel for Mac crashed. I lost everything even though I had auto save saving every ten minutes and I had manually saved my work just prior to the crash. All of this saving that was going on never made it to disk. The error I got was "Excel Quit Unexpectedly". I have noticed that this happens in Word and PowerPoint quite frequently as well. I have heard of Microsoft poorly integrating software before to drive people to Windows, but this is ridiculous.  9:46:10 AM   comments ()  

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Last update: 7/1/03; 7:44:23 AM.

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