Friday, May 28, 2004

Hooray! I got it to work finally, with Google's help. Here's the story.

I found this entry from Roland Tanglao's weblog referring to his work with the fileSystem upstream driver. He refered to a table in Radio.root ( where upstream information is cached. I looked there and saw that there was an old version of the upstream.xml file listed there. I then deleted that file from the www directory, then went to the Radio application and selected Radio -> Publish -> All Weblog Pages. Finally, Radio UserLand began to copy the rendered files to the Documents/test folder on my local Apache web server.

Links to other resources I used in this search:

  • Radio UserLand reference page on fileSystem upstream driver
  • Radio UserLand instructions on setting up a private weblog
  • Radio UserLand discussion group message on setting up a fileSystem upstream driver on OS X

10:04:37 PM    

This is a test of the fileSystem upstream driver.

Well, my first try was not successful. I'll keep trying.
8:42:52 PM