Last update: 2/17/06; 7:47:58 PM

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Irish Blogs

Monday, December 20, 2004 
Podcasting For Hawaiian Music I don't remember exactly when or how I met Scott Waters, but I am certain that there was a Macintosh involved. Scott was a marketing guru at Apple way back when the Macintosh was in its infancy. He moved to Maui sometime after that, which is where we connected. He's a gifted artist, both in the physical and digital realms, a musician, and a tireless promotor of all thing Macintosh on Maui.

Scott has tapped into the podcast revolution started by former MTV VJ Adam Curry and Dave Winer. Just as blogging gave the average web user the power to be their own newspaper or magazine, podcasting allows you to be your own Internet radio personality, but includes some cool technologies that allow listeners to easily move it over to their iPod or other digital media player (think of it as TIVO for iPod owners). Scott's podcast focus on all things Macintosh with a healthy dose of humor and an occasional shot at that other operating system.

Scott would also like to help promote Hawaiian music in his podasts, and makes mention of the difficulty he's encountered in trying to get the music into his podcasts. If you would like to have Scott give you some free PR in a future podcast by playing some clips (and are able to provide the rights for him to do so), drop him some email at I can vouch for his good intentions.

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