Saturday, July 23, 2005 
Podcasters Shutdown on .Mac. I was about to unsubscribe from Geek News Central's RSS feed when I came across this interesting tidbit. I know a few people who were taking advantage of the previously unmetered bandwidth on their .Mac sites for hosting podcasts. One was hosting his latest shows on his .Mac site for the big rush, and then moving them over to his ISP when the initial new show rush was over. I haven't asked if his strategy has changed.

I know the owner of the ISP I use personally, and haven't heard a peep from him about bandwidth issues, so I probably don't generate enough traffic to cause him concern - yet.

OK, Todd, I'm still subscribed for now.

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Who's your great-great-great-great granddaddy? [ From the NY Times, subscription required ] I found a copy of this article sitting in the waiting area of my daughter's piano teacher. It talks about the works of Carl Czerny, a student and later assistant to Beethoven. What was interesting was to see the musical family tree drawn along the side of the article. Apparently Mālia's piano teacher comes from the same line as the author of this article. Here is the lineage:

       Ludwig Van Beethoven
           Carl Czerny
      Theodor Leschetizky
       Arthur Schnabell
          \/        \/
  Leonard Shure     Sundling
          \/        \/
         Glenn Jacobson
         Malia Donaghy

Geneaology is of great importance in the Hawaiian culture. Unlike western adoption, children who are given to other family members to raise (a practice known as hānai) still know who their biological parents are, and usually there is still contact. So while this musical geneaology many not be of much significance, it sure is interesting - her teacher's teacher's teacher's teacher's teacher was Beethoven himself! I'm glad that Glenn has let his students know this and made them aware of their place in this musical lineage so that they get a sense of their responsibility to perpetuate the tradition.

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Last update: 2/17/06; 7:56:41 PM

Last iTunes Spin: HWST175 Lecture 01 - Class Overview by Keola Donaghy, on Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 8:29:00 AM

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