Saturday, September 3, 2005 
MSNBC knows it all, I guess. I've been watching MSNBC's coverage of the death of Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist. After about 15 minutes it occurred to me - their reporters were simply interviewing each other on this development. There were no statements from anyone in the government, attorneys, fellow justices. Nada.

They showed the same video clip of Rehnquist in his gown seven or eiight times and every one of the reporters parroted the same line regarding the ability of the president to appoint someone other than one of the existing justices as Chief Justice, or appoint one of the current justices and then replace that person with a new appointee. Sounds like they were really hard up for more information.

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W steps on his unit... again.  Whether he does nothing or jumps in with both feet, the leader of the free world can't help but mess things up. Three tons of food ready for delivery by air to hurricane Katrina refugees in sat immobile Friday afternoon as all air traffic was halted because of President Bush's visit to New Orlean. Arrangements had been made to airlift food by helicopter, and the food sat in trucks because helicopters were not permitted to fly until the president left.

The food was expected to be in the hands of storm survivors after the president left the devastated region Friday night. You mean he didn't wait around for a photo-op meal or two with some of the survivors? Amazing. Mahalo to my Celtic cousin Scott for the link.

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Last update: 2/17/06; 7:57:38 PM

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