Saturday, March 8, 2003
Hewlett-Packard introduces a concept technology that outfits a handheld computer with wireless access, GPS and a bar-code scanner. The result is a device that knows where you are -- and where you want to go. Elisa Batista reports from Palo Alto, California. [Wired News]
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Apple Bites Into Music Downloads?. Though it won't confirm the rumors, Apple seems poised to launch an online music subscription service with major record labels in the coming weeks. [Wired News] and
British telecom giant offers music downloads. CNET News.com - British telecommunications company BT Group on Thursday announced the launch of a subscription-based music download service, a crucial component to expanding its lead in Britain's residential broadband market.
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With skyrocketing health-care costs and a growing nursing shortage, some hospitals are looking to robots to pick up the slack. These virtual orderlies may one day perform tasks like wheeling patients to dinner and taking blood. [Wired News]
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Independent - I've been rereading Alan Greenspan's famous irrational exuberance speech, which was delivered a little over six years ago, in the hope of gaining some insight into the extraordinary stock market collapse of the past three years. Employment Situation (Feb, 2003) Forbes
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New York Times - The Congressional Budget Office estimated today that simply sending troops and equipment to the Persian Gulf to fight Iraq and returning them home would cost nearly $25 billion and that the total cost of a potential ... $1.82T Deficit Predicted in Bush Budget Washington Post
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We just released a BSD license XML-RPC implementation for Cocoa. It’s the same code that’s in the current NetNewsWire beta. (Actually, it’s a little ahead of the beta.) [Ranchero]
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