Updated: 12/6/06; 8:39:28 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

BATN : Message: CO2 sequestration may help win war on global warming:

"However, the downsides are steep. For one thing, he said, managing a nationwide carbon dioxide sequestration program could cost hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Funding it might require levying a tax of up to $50 a ton on carbon dioxide producers, he said. The by doing things like driving a car or heating homes with natural gas."

Wait a second here, the US could potentially solve its green house gas problem if everyone spent $1000 per year on it? That seems incredibly cheap. Even twice that seems reasonable.

If a CO2 production tax were levied on true use basis, at the pumps and in our utility bills, then the true costs of owning a gas guzzlers or running the air conditioner or heater full-time would be felt by those who did that. This would be a great incentive for conservation.

Presumably consumers could be offered different energy choices on their utility bills with low CO2 emitting sources available at for a lower tax burden.

Of course selling this would be the big challenge. It would almost have to be done by a Republican President with enough guts to pull a John Kennedy, "Within a decade we will..."

Can it be done? Yes, with out a doubt. The American people would face this challenge, rise to the task, and accomplish it. All you have to do is tell them that the challenge is there and it will take some sacrifice.

Will it be done. I can't see it happening with our current "leaders."

7:38:43 PM    
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