Monday, March 25, 2002
Tim Brays company

Saw Tim Bray's talk on the visualisation of information.  It was  good in that it went over some of the important basics about information visualisation, but could have been a bit more concise.  We also saw a demo of WebBrain(a competitors product), which looks like it could be a good way to tie together the concepts in the lab manual.

other links:

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Last day did an overview of JW project.   We love how their project takes a series of tasks and formalises them into a weekly agenda.  We have many resources included in our own project and need the framework to put them together like that.

I also quickly demoed Frontier (which I had used to put together the brief Concept Mapping authorware module help) to point out that the final appearance was easy to change - and that the content could live in a database.

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