Jim Sibley's talk on LO: choose a standard - and it might not matter which one you choose: Careo: http://www.careo.org His tool is here:
LO: (Jim's talk).
Q: question about who enters the metadata is one that comes up quite often. I was wondering if the users might be the folks that do this. As an instructor defines their use of the object, this could be entered into the database.
Jim Sibley's talk on LO: choose a standard - and it might not matter which one you choose:
Careo: http://www.careo.org
Continuing: How important is context? (both sides of the spectrum-> some purists say it is not important).
advantages...... but a warning: ' Library of Babel' (http://jubal.westnet.com/hyperdiscordia/library_of_babel.html)
Brian is talking about history... defining the LO, and then stepping back a bit. He also mentions repositories. (Merlot, Belle/Careo, OAIster). Reusability: who are the users? what are the needs? Will treating content as LO improve the quality? Is the material enduring? Interoperability and Manageability (ease of use) -> leads to term: Metadata Standards: Cancore, Dublin Core, EML, IMS, IEEE, Scorm Q: How many fields? (79?). Q: Who does the tagging?
Granularity: How small are the chunks of learning?
Brian Lamb is presenting on LO. He will be distributing this talk so that others can give it in their own units. The other thing on the agenda is Jim's metadata tool.