Big news around here. The annual TLEF (Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund) awards. The TLEFs fund most of the new teaching and learning (often with technology) initiatives around UBC. Here is a list of the funded projects. 1:03:28 PM | # | |
SciQ: Science Revealed. SciQ just went live. It's a K-12 theme for CAREO that is being used to push learning objects into the classroom in Alberta. Could be very cool, especially when teachers and students start using it in the trenches. This is a product of a whole bunch of educational stakeholders in the province, from content production to curriculum to technology. It's cool, from my perspective, since it's a completely different look and feel for CAREO. A real test of the theming engine. Actually, SciQ was one of the major reasons that the theming engine is as flexible as it is now.... [D'Arcy Norman's Learning Commons Weblog] 11:31:59 AM | # | |