Cocoalicious is down - please stand by.![]() Cocoalicious is one of a number helper applications that interface with It displays my entire bookmark list along with easily editable tags on my computer. This makes it easy to navigate the whole lot of them (678 at current count) and regroup them. It is perfect for editing tags. The only problem is, is that Cocoalicious is not currently synching with the master list. Its creator has offered a suggestion for an interim solution but it hasn't worked in my hands. It appears that an API upgrade at rendered this and a couple of other programs unable to download the delicious 'database'. From the comments on the weblog, it seems there are quite a number of cocoalicious fans eagerly awaiting the return of the author. For me, this is a blessing in disguise. Instead of spending my days re-tagging (read: procrastinating), I am deliciousing up a storm using my imperfect tagging techniques and the fantastic firefox delicious extension.
Update: An earlier post on social bookmarking is here and includes a link to Ruben Puentedura's discussion on the value of disciplined tagging.