Updated: 3/27/06; 6:55:03 PM.

Rod Kratochwill's Weblog
Cynthia Ann Jones Kratochwill 1957 - 2002

Saturday, November 22, 2003

A picture named crew.JPGToday was the big day.  Lindsey played on stage in the band Samurai Cafe for the first time.  They sounded great.  I don't know that I was any less nervous than I am for skating competitions.  I had a great time out in the park on a most beautiful day.  With good sounds and good friends.  I was able to coax a few more photos from the digital.
7:41:42 PM    

No big saturday night lie here.  The little one is off to a birthday party, and my rock band guitarist is across the street at her friends house.  Here I am with my glass of wine getting read to build a page of photos from todays activities so all the folks back  home can see what we are up to.
6:57:34 PM    

The Samurai Cafe just finished and they sounded pretty good.  Lindsey even sang on one song.  I was able to take a few pictures with the ailing digital so watch for some photos later.

3:49:34 PM    

My version of Halley's Balancing Act

Yoga -- Bending myself backwards to try and get both kids to different places at almost the same time so they can both enjoy their day. Today it's trying to get Chelsey off to her friends house so they can go to the movies while I'm off to Lindsey's concert to pretend I'm part of the road crew for Samurai Cafe. I'll have a cool new band crew t-shirt sort of like these.

Walking -- Walking around the mall trying to find the perfect birthday gifts for the upcoming birthday parties.

Lifting Weights -- Carrying the skate bags, back packs, guitar amps, and other miscellaneous junk for the girls.

Swimming -- Swimming through the sea of bills, legal paperwork, school permission slips, school picture forms, fund raiser forms, insurance forms etc.

Skiing -- Hmm.....

Skating -- The girls do all the skating. Some days I get to sit in the stands and freeze my butt off watching, but not often enough.

Running -- I've been running most of today and it's not even noon. Ran Lindsey up to her boyfriends to practice for the concert. Ran through the area around the park trying to find some Wi-Fi so I could blog the concert. (There is some across the street, so I'll give it a try, no guarantees though.) Next it's time to run past Chelsey's friends house to drop her off, and then run back up to the park to be the road crew for the band. After the concert it's time to run back to pick up Chelsey to run her over to her friend's birthday party. Somewhere in there I have to retrieve Lindsey too.

Tennis -- Tennis is nice.

Golf -- Golf is really cool. I used to be able to play once a week with the guys after work in the summer. Golf now takes way too much time to play. I can't imagine having 3-4 hours of free time to do anything.

11:51:03 AM    

Back from my first "run" of the day. Dropped of Lindsey at the band's warm-up practice, and of course had to stop on the way home to get a Mighty Kids Meal for Chelsey. Makes me think about all the terrible convenience food I get to eat. This is another of those things that I'm thinking that other parents get. Some kids don't eat anything so we end up trying to find something, anything that they will eat. We buy the mini-corndog nugget things, the twelve different shapes - sizes and composition of chicken nuggets, shrimp poppers, clam strips, mini pizza bites, the crappy spaghetti TV dinner that had a cool dessert, the spaghetti o's that weren't supposed to have meatballs or have the wrong shaped noodles, the breakfast bars, yogurt bars, and weird cereals.

I mention all this because I'm getting ready to sit down to some frozen chicken nuggets, but not just plain chicken nuggets, these have the added "bonus" of being stuffed with delightful ham and cheese filling. Now, I'm sure there isn't any part of a chicken that normally looks like a hollowed out ping-pong ball, and these things look like a perfectly formed chicken ball with a congealed pinkish mass oozing out of the middle. Some sort of strange miniature volcano school science project made with Armour Star Treet and cream cheese. Yum, I can't wait for them to finish cooking in the microwave.

11:11:56 AM    

Halley says come on and write somethign new.  She also talks about doing things for ourselves, and a bunch of other stuff that right now I don't even have time to read much less write.  Off to start driving kids from one oend of the county to the other.
9:34:04 AM    

© Copyright 2006 Rod Kratochwill.


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