Updated: 8/6/06; 9:32:7 PM.

Rod Kratochwill's Weblog
Cynthia Ann Jones Kratochwill 1957 - 2002

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I've been playing with different options for weblog / photo gallery tools now that I've switched to the Mac.  I'm still struggling with the switch from Picasa to iPhoto for photo management.  I haven't yet moved all my old photos, measured in the 10's of thousands, but have been using it for all the images I've been taking since I got the Mac.

I really miss Picasa for creating photo galleries.  I've been playing with alternatives until Google gets around to creating Picasa for the mac.  One of the first contenders is JAlbum.  One of the features I like is the variety of templates available to change the look and feel of the galleries it creates.  And there is the always the option to skip the whole gallery creating thing and just use one of the available online photo sites like Flickr or PBase.  Another important factor is the integration of gallery creation with the photo management system.  There are iPhoto plugins that provide an export to Flickr and PBase but I'm not sure they all support the latest version of iPhoto and Intel Macs.

And then there is the whole content management publishing system.  My current system, Radio Userland, runs on the Mac and I am currently using it for this site which is hosted on the Userland servers.  I've been looking into using my own domain name and hosting at a generic web hosting service.

To see some of my playing around you can go have a look at KattyWilly.

10:40:57 AM    

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