Updated: 10/3/06; 7:03:41 AM.

Rod Kratochwill's Weblog
Cynthia Ann Jones Kratochwill 1957 - 2002

Sunday, September 24, 2006

For the past five years I have worked with a wonderful group of people. At a time when I needed, and received, tremendous support from all my family and friends, I received the same from the people I worked with and for. It is hard for me to imagine where I would be right now if it wasn't for the understanding and support I received from everyone at Morrow Technologies.

And now it is time for something new. Last week a few of us were laid off and are now looking for new opportunities. If anyone is looking for a couple of experienced Software Engineers and Technical Writer we are looking for something new.

So now I have a little free time to play golf around the job hunt activities, and to think about the past five years and the future. Looking back I can only try to express my thanks to everyone who has helped us through thoughts and actions, and looking forward I hope that the girls and I can continue to grow and learn, and live in the memory of their mother.

Try to "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."

4:14:09 PM    

© Copyright 2006 Rod Kratochwill.


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