Updated: 4/5/07; 7:18:34 AM.

Rod Kratochwill's Weblog
Cynthia Ann Jones Kratochwill 1957 - 2002

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Today I did all the yard work early so I could spend the afternoon with my daughter. We got the bicycles out and rode down to the Pinellas trail and then up to downtown Dunedin. Parked the bikes and walked around town looking at some of the antique/junk shops. We had lunch at the Cafe Alfresco and watched the vibrant lively downtown area around the trail.

I can't understand why other towns don't take advantage of the trail like Dunedin does. I watch as every few years there is a new plan to redevelop downtown Clearwater in an attempt to bring people back to the downtown area. You might think that "they" would take advantage of this built in mechanism that brings in people on bicycles, roller blades and walking. Instead it has this feeling that the trail ends when you get to downtown Clearwater. I mean it literally just stops. You have to make a left turn go up half a block and ride down the sidewalks along East St. It totally loses the feel of "The Trail", the sort of moving community of people. Oh well. I'm just glad that Dunedin has embraced the trail and I really enjoy the feeling of community and gathering that happens around the trail there.

So after lunch we did a little more shopping for antiques and we ended up with a new item to add to Lindsey's growing collection of cameras. An old Kodak Brownie - Target Six-20. Now I have to figure out how to get some film that will fit in it and then figure out how to get it developed. Should be fun.

The second item we picked up was an old manual typewriter, a pink one no less. It's an old Sears model that I haven't been able to find much info on. It seems like all the keys work, although the mechanism seems a little sluggish. I was surprised at how much I remembered of the operation of a manual typewriter. I've been trying to remember what it was like back when I used the old manual at the house to type papers. I was at the transition point where we took typing in high school but it was called keyboarding or something like that.

So here is our new Brownie, and Pinky

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8:16:53 PM    

© Copyright 2007 Rod Kratochwill.


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