Updated: 3/27/08; 6:11:30 PM.
A Man with a Ph.D. - Richard Gayle's Blog
Thoughts on biotech, knowledge creation and Web 2.0

Monday, September 9, 2002

I Love the Internet

When I wrote about niggardly and denigrate the other day, I remembered a Mad Magazine lark that used outlandish sounding words to seemingly implicate the opponent's character.Well, I did a Google search and easily found it. It was written by Bill Garvin in December 1970. Entitled 'Guaranteed Effective All-Occasion Non-Slanderous Political Smear Speech' it is still a hoot. Check it out. One of my favorites:
Let us take a very quick look at that childhood: It is a known fact that, on a number of occasions, he emulated older boys at a certain playground. It is also known that his parents not only permitted him to masticate in their presence, but even urged him to do so. Most explicable of all, this man who poses as a paragon of virtue exacerbated his own sister when they were both teenagers!
  9:54:15 PM    

What do you mean throw out the food guide pyramid?. Exercise an hour a day? Eat up to 25 percent of total calories in added sugars? The barrage of coverage surrounding National Academies' Institute of Medicine's Dietary Reference Intake Report released Sept. 5 has people even more confused about eating healthfully. Rachel Johnson, Ph.D. R.D., professor of nutrition and acting dean of the University of Vermont's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and a contributor to the Institute of Medicine's report clarifies several key points in the report. National Academies' Institute of Medicine [EurekAlert - Biology]

Yes, I am confused. Mostly because the media just does such a lousy job reporting it. There is no 'one approach fits all'. Different people can tolerate different diets. We need to develop better approaches for screeningpeople to put them in the right category. For me it is a low carbo, high prtein, coupled with exercise. When I exercise, I put on muscle pretty fast. If I eat a lot of carbs, it goes straight to fat but meat does not. 46 years of eating has taught me this.  9:12:24 PM    

West Nile virus reaches California [New Scientist]

This virus will pretty much be where ever there are mosquitoes so we need to develope better anti-mosquito technology.  9:08:04 PM    

Athleticism and body weight tied to ALS and other motor neuron diseases [EurekAlert!]

ANother report where doing something results in increasing the chances of getting 'X' 2 fold. But no where does it say what the prevprevalencealcen is. SO it could be 1 in a million to 2 in a million. Not something to get upset about. We just do not know.  9:03:24 PM    

Politicians must exploit the Internet to win 'apathetic' young voters [EurekAlert!]

This is from Britain but is pretty relevant. I agree that connecting with young people will be easier if there is an Internet presence. But, since the major parties seem to ignore many of the things that young people find important, I do not see the parties really doing anything to make the connection. See, young people do not have MONEY. Makes a big difference to most politicians. When we can generate leaders who can make connections that are not based on the access that money provides, then 'apathetic' young voters will be engaged. So will most of the rest of us. (I really hate the headline. Look at the words. 'Exploit'. 'Apathetic'. They do not have a clue.)  12:54:47 AM    

Biotech companies, environmentalists playing blame game. CNN Sep 8 2002 2:45PM ET [Moreover - moreover...]

I am not a fan of the companies creating GM food, but people ARE starving while the 2 sides, often nice and comfortable in their air-conditioned offices, fire off dueling press releases. Both sides are using this to their political advantage, to increase their financial coffers, while people die. Americans more than anyone have tried to get food and medical aid to the people of the world who need it. We as a people are extremley caring but it is painful to watch leaders twist this to their own ends.   12:46:31 AM    

Re-emerging field contributes to 10,000 patents yearly [EurekAlert!]

Gosh. I love press releases. And the ability to search databases means that you can create a PR using hard numbers that really explains little. But it does have numbers so it must mean something. I have worked in biology for over 20 years and I have never heard the term 'operations research.' But, according to this PR, since I have used the word simulation, I must be involved in it.  12:37:40 AM    

September 2002
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Last update: 3/27/08; 6:11:30 PM.