Updated: 5/6/08; 2:45:39 PM.
A Man with a Ph.D. - Richard Gayle's Blog
Thoughts on biotech, knowledge creation and Web 2.0

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The next Ice Age is upon us!

Glaciers by longhorndave

Global warming stopped in 1981... no, wait! 1991!: [Via Skeptical Science]

The modern global warming trend began around 1975 and has shown a long term warming trend of 0.18°C per decade since. That's not to say the warming trend has been monotonically constant with each year slightly warmer than the previous. Short term weather fluctuations cause a noisy signal. Large volcanic eruptions lead to dramatic cooling over several years. El Nino/La Nina has a cycle of warming and cooling lasting 4 to 5 years. To demonstrate climate's variability, let's examine a 6 year record early in the global warming period.

Figure 1: Land-ocean temperature anomaly (NASA GISS) 1981 to 1987.


Skeptical Science is great at providing useful scientific debunking of climate denialists' arguments. In fact, it has one of the web's single best pages for anyone who wants to discuss the arguments about global climate change. It displays a thermometer recording the top 10 false claims.

In this post, written by John Cook, we get a great explanation of one of the denialists' favorite tricks - cherry picking data. By only looking at a well chosen sub-set of the data, thay can make any claim they want. Like the world is really cooling.

John leads you through the argument, then reveals the final answer. There have been lagging trends in global warming where the temperatures do not go up very far. As can be seen in the final figure, every time in the last three cycles when solar activity decreases, there has been a pause in global warming. But this pause has been at a higher temperature than the previous cycle.

When this next cycle starts, we will be in for another large temperature increase. The next time it pauses, it will be at a higher plateau then we are now. Unless we reduce carbon emissions this will continue.

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  5:34:30 PM    

Gore is great again

New thinking on climate change: Al Gore's new slideshow premieres on TED.com:
[Via TED | TEDBlog]
This is an amazing video. The first presentation of Gore's new speech. As opposed to An Inconvenient truth, which dealt with the science, this one examines what we can do about climate change.

Entitled 'How dare we be optimistic?' it is a call to arms in a very inspirational fashion. Watch the video, then decide what you are going to do about it. Because this IS something we can fix.

In Al Gore's brand-new slideshow (premiering exclusively on TED.com), he presents evidence that the pace of climate change may be even worse than scientists were recently predicting, and challenges us to act with a sense of "generational mission" -- the kind of feeling that brought forth the civil rights movement -- to set it right. Gore's stirring presentation is followed by a Q&A in which he is asked for his verdict on the current political candidates' climate policies and on what role he himself might play in future. (Recorded March 2008 in Monterey, California. Duration: 27:54.)

Watch Al Gore's talk on TED.com, where you can download it, rate it, comment on it and find other talks and performances.

Read more about Al Gore on TED.com.

Download this talk in 480p high-def >>

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  5:34:11 PM    

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Last update: 5/6/08; 2:45:39 PM.