Wednesday, March 13, 2002 |
Wow, it's been a long time between updates. No real reason other than my iBook has been a little wacky lately so I haven't been booting it up as much. That's obviously not helpful...
3:31:56 PM
Monday, February 4, 2002 |
Hello World, since Dave has had enough greetings!!
1:40:52 PM
Dave's talking about mind bombs and Do-It-Yourself web services.. Very interesting.. I tried to download 8.0.3 but got a type 3 error when launching it. I'll send off a note to the list in a bit...
10:17:36 AM
Thursday, January 31, 2002 |
One of the things I'd like to work on in Jericho is an integrated editor. Right now, the Blogger and Manila editors are different in various ways when they really don't have to be. I want to just have one editor with various menus for the different services. That way, you could add additional services much easier than having to write another editor.
Also, next on my list, is having some sort of preferences. It isn't that hard to do but is something which takes a bit of thought in terms of how and what you are storing.
1:32:35 PM
Another day, another posting from Jericho..
I've been thinking of different ways to make Jericho better and how it can integrate into Radio and other tools. Of course that means that I have the time necessary to do these things and more importantly, the willpower to do them.
1:17:16 PM
Wednesday, January 30, 2002 |
Continuing with my Jericho/Radio convergence, I found a small, embeddable http server which I'm experimenting with. My idea is that you can flag whether or not you want to run a server on port 5335. That way, you could click on any XML coffee cup and have the feed subscribed to.
I think that would be quite cool for those not running Radio.
2:45:59 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2002 |
Yes!!! It was!!!! So, I'm finding some things in Radio's Blogger API implmentation which will need to be changed in order for clients to work out of the box...
Luckily, the changes are very minimal...
12:50:14 PM
This is another test from Jericho.. Let's see if the change I made in Radio works now...
12:49:25 PM
This is a test post from Jericho... Hopefully it will show up correctly..
12:33:10 PM
Well, I'm back working on my Mac for a bit just so I can run Radio. I've turned on the Blogger API switch so I need to adjust Jericho to allow for ports.. We'll see if it works..
10:33:58 AM
Monday, January 14, 2002 |
My only complaint is that I won't be bringing up my iBook to San Francisco...
9:32:13 AM
I didn't get as much time to play with Radio this weekend as I would have liked. Oh well, I guess that gives me something to do this week... I'm going to start with Going Crazy with Macros...
9:29:03 AM
Friday, January 11, 2002 |
Ok, this post is coming from Mozilla since the MSIE issue on the Mac is just to much to bear. Wow, it is amazing how awful it would be if MSIE was the only option I had. Luckily it isn't.
10:06:38 PM
This is my first post using Radio 8. I'm sure many others have typed the same thing but hey, what can you do...
9:32:06 PM
© Copyright 2002 Josh Lucas.
Last update: 2/4/02; 1:40:52 PM.
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