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  Radio Bump
Reply Hazy, try again.

daily link  Wednesday, June 30, 1999

Slashdot is sold to andover net. In a cursory glance through the boards over at Shlashdot, it seems that not everyone is happy abou this. I wish them well in the most genuine sense possible. I guess these must be the same people who stop liking a band when they become popular. Please!

Writing about how Jim is a hockey fan yesterday has made me realize that I haven't mentioned that the Thrashers now have an actual team of players. I'm getting excited for there to be NHL hockey in the town I live in. Of course, we have one guy who can put the puck in the net right now, but I'm still excited.

The corporate move at my office is moving into full swing. I'm working ridiculous hours between now and Sunday so expect my updates here to be very sporadic.

Feed rips into Will Smith. hehe

Apple ponders Handheld With MacWorld coming up, I'm interested to see what products are coming down the pike from Apple. If p1 is good, I expect to be waiting for mine along with half the Apple nation. If not, I'll keep saving for that G3 PowerBook I've been lusting after.

CMGI to Make AltaVista a 'Megaportal' Interesting. I've thought that this brand has suffered under its previous ownership. Perhaps now this garden has a good tender.

 12:00:00 AM  permalink  discuss []  

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Last update: 9/17/02; 3:39:53 PM.