24 February 2005

Anything you can do...
The Postgraduate Diploma Students at Chelsea College have a show next week. There is a private view from 5pm -7pm, Wednesday 2nd March.

If you would like to come along, it is important that you send a mail with your name to the email address given on the show web page. We are using the Banqueting Hall in the heart of the building, rather than one of the normal gallery spaces. We need to add you to the guest list if you want to gain access. Sorry about the faff.
11:39:44 PM    comment()

I entered a picture in Photo Friday's "Rural" challenge.

This one is, well, just...
11:41:49 AM    comment()

Christo's Gates.
An ultra hi-rez satellite photo of the Christo's Gates thing in New York. It's 3696 x 4422 pixels.
(via Robot Wisdom -- yes, he's back) [J-Walk Blog]
9:44:01 AM    comment()

funkymonty made this.
9:33:04 AM    comment()