Audioblog/Mobileblogging News
Covering the evolution of the "next big thing" in blogging

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Wednesday, October 02, 2002

-> WAG: DESCRIPTION -> " Second, NAN will be important for Athens economic development. We want to lure wireless companies to Athens. NAN will serve as a test bed for wireless companies seeking to refine and test their systems. Wireless companies locating Athens will mean new jobs. "
" Individuals, companies, or organizations that want to experiment with wireless technologies may apply to use the equipment in this lab for a limited period time to test their systems. "

If the network is architected smartly with QOS (Quality of Service) concerns, local businesses will sit on a network segment before the Internet that will make it's speed quick and latency low.  The best part is that the bandwidth will be truly free, no backbone vendors.  Just the maintenance of the equipment.  Local Athens businesses will get a taste of broadband that most of us will never see with the existing Internet backbone. Lets all move to Athens, Georgia!!

8:30:43 PM  comment []    


WAG: MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR -> Dr. Scott A. Shamp, Director -> " Location. Location. Location. That is what we are going to focus on in the NMI this year. We are going to examine the relationship between information and location. What happens when the environment plays an active part in not only what we see but how we see it? We are going to explore the connection between content and context. "

8:22:38 PM  comment []    

ARM - Almost Realtime Multimedia

Almost Realtime Published and Produced Internet Multimedia

Near realtime - Now Communications

These are just a couple of the phrases to describe what we are doing.


Everybody wants everything now.  Your boss, your mother and your mate.  Why should our needs for content such as multimedia be any different.

We already have applications today that fit the bill:  Email, Chat, Instant Messanging, Blogs.

You heard me speak and experiment with a couple of new ones here,  Audioblogging and autoblogging.

Marc's been talking about applications like this over at:


Marc's Voice -> Multimedia Conversations


And Jeremy's been experimenting with them over at:

Jeremy Allaire's Radio -> Video Message

What we are really need that doesn't exist today are "near realtime multimedia communications editing applications and features". 

When we think of "realtime" we think of broadcast style video and audio.  How the broadcast networks cover live events... baseball, football, political speeches, wars....

Most people view editing today as adding a time/date stamp on their home video tapes. Ever sit through someone's vacation videos to see one or two "must see" scenes.  You probably sat through the experience just to be nice.  Business people aren't nice. Web surfers won't hang around.

In order to deliver interesting multimedia content in most cases it needs to be edited.  No one wants to sit through raw video, they want the message delivered precisely in the least amount of time.  Multimedia tools today are just to hard, time intensive, resource hungry, too many clicks to meet the "near realtime" requirements.  They meet the requirements production studios want.  Not designed for editing in the field "near" or in realtime.

to be continued.....

5:07:48 AM  comment []    

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