
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
> The Whittier School Manila Hub
Right now, I am focusing on working on the Whittier School Manila Hub and slowing figuring out our Plone server. What seems cool about Plone is that one can show off as much as one wants to and yet maintain a private area on one account. Most of my time is spent working on Manila and catching up on the new additions. I am working with a community organization on developing a space we have provided them . I am also trying to document my march with Manila and Plone on our Praxis with Manila and Plone weblog.

> Online Communities.

Online Communities for Professional Development...extensive links and commentary on the definition, role, and process of developing online communities

[elearnspace blog]

Good Resource on a challenge for educators to develope communities online. Like it has been said, a community of practice is a way to start.