Doubt's log

March 2002
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 Thursday, March 14, 2002
Peter Drayon agrees with Patrick Logan about the longhorn file system database, thinking that what they want is Google on the desktop. Two questions quickly arise. Frist, what happens when a filesystem is no longer about directories?  The most basic example (although horibbly implemented perf wise) is the music library in windows media player. I also think apple's photo manager has gone in this direction. Second, how do we generate the links between things on a local machine with diverse filetypes? The University of Gratz once had a nifty system that stored the links outside documents on a competeting web. Outlook lets me sometimes contain one object inside another, which has had some power, but imagine the power if everything could link to everything else. The power of links was one of the lessons I took from Nahum Gershon at Mitre during high school. I like projects like this, it's the basic sort of thing that generates lots of possibilities.
8:24:33 AM    comments ==

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