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 Thursday, May 02, 2002
MS' MIT prof witness gets toasted over KDE, GNOME. Drenched in GUI stuff... [The Register]

It's pretty easy to see what the point that the professor is trying to make. There are commonly used shells in linux world that depend on an html renderer. Remove the renderer and the shell doesn't work. However there exists more then one shell. This is also true in windows. You can change your shell to progman, or a single command prompt window, but this still won't help those apps that you have broken because you removed the dependant components from the system. This is such a simple concept that I don't understand why the laywers are still fighting about it. Linux is not linux without that kernel with it's apis. Windows is not windows without it's apis. When you name a platform entity, you are implying some common things that dependant app can expect, remove thoose things and you don't have that entity anymore.
3:28:46 PM    comments ==

There is a bill in Peru that intends to make open source software the only type usable in Peru. There is the start of a discussion going on here finally on stallman's freedom turf instead of the save a buck turf. Here is the congressman's response to a Microsoft's GM letter.
11:41:44 AM    comments ==

Evolution: Exchanging Microsoft [InfoAnarchy]

I really should figure out how to do a radio or rss plugin for outlook.
9:53:10 AM    comments ==

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