GIGO: words unreadable aloud
Mishrogo Weedapeval


GIGO: words unreadable aloud

  Thursday 26 September 2002
Silly analogy time: Python vs C

After programming some months in Python, I now have to convert this program to C. I had forgotten just how low-level and primitive C is. Last night, this stupid analogy came to me: imagine you have a trough full of teeny wood shavings and iron shavings, all mixed up. (These represent the 1's and 0's.) Your job is to move all the metal shavings elsewhere. In C, you have a set of very fine tweezers, and you pick up the metal bits one at a time. In Python, you wave a magnet over the trough, and you're done.
8:28:30 AM   comment/     

  Wednesday 25 September 2002
City Nicknames, Take V

Ok, I pulled in and merged the list from trivia asylum, whose main sources were

"Names and Nicknames of Places and Things" By: Laurence Urdang (ISBN: 0-246-13246-9)
"By Any Other Name" By: Michael D. Shook (ISBN: 0-671-86475-0)

That oughta do it for a while.
12:16:59 AM   comment/     

  Tuesday 24 September 2002
Wildlife on the Web

Big spider, with pencil Big spider, underside Australians will laugh, but this spider was pretty big for Ben Lomond. Its web is right above our outdoor trash can, so when I go out there at night to dump stuff, I have to remember not to lean in too close to the web. In the pictures with the pencil, yes, I grabbed a pencil and just stuck it onto the web, and it hung there until the spider came back out to sit in the center of the web.

12:18:30 AM   comment/     

  Monday 23 September 2002
Programming Language Design and different ways of thinking

Here are a few notes for the longer story/essay that I really would like to write about this set of related topics.

The pragprog list is currently deciding about what language(s) to study next year. Frequently mentioned is the desire to learn a language that will "affect the way I think about programming".

A discussion today on Lambda:$4365

refers to Michael Vanier's terms LFSPs vs LFMs — (Programming) Languages designed For Smart People, vs (Programming) Languages designed For the Masses:

I came into the discussion fairly late ...$4428

by introducing a more useful (IMHO) pair of terms that show about as much tact as Vanier (explicitly) and Graham (by implication) do: LDCs vs LDTs — Languages Designed for Cowboys vs Languages Designed for Teams. (I would have called the latter "Languages Designed for Collaboration", but then the abbreviations would have gotten a bit confusing.)

Isaac Guoy suggested that the original terms would make for a better satire, and that LDC/LDT haven't as much humour-potential. The sad thing is that Vanier and Graham appear to be serious about this.

This story is related to my conviction that it is pretty useless to attempt to measure intelligence as a one-dimensional thing. (See Howard Gardner's writings, e.g., the 1983 book "Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences" which "Argues that all human beings are born with a multiplicity of intelligences which can, and should, be developed ..." ISBN 0465025080.)

It's also related (less directly) to some of the comments that I made in August's lambda thread about Richard Hamming, which drifted into a thread about "the most important questions in programming language design".$3951$3981

And to Frank Atanassow's question:$3993

Yes, Frank. We still call gcc "gcc", though it meets distinctly different specs now than it did in 1986. We still call you "Frank", though you probably meet few of the specs that you met in 1970.
11:52:44 PM   comment/     

  Sunday 22 September 2002
Banger Sisters

Nice to see Goldie and Susan having some fun together. Deb thought it sucked. A movie with a "message". Her take on the movie's message: "Do your own thing — instead of wasting 2 hours of your life on this turkey". My take on the movie's message: "Don't expect anything but stereotypes from movies made in Hollywood."

The movie starts by mentioning that it was somehow related to the movie "Election" from a few years ago (Matthew Broderick and Reese Witherspoon). That movie sucked bad. Its message was "Be a pushy asshole and you'll be successful."
1:16:00 AM   comment/     

  Saturday 21 September 2002
Color test, template munging.

At some point, I made my item template's background color the same as that of my home page. It wasn't intentional. This posting is to see whether my new choice works for me. Or makes any difference at all.

1st try did, but not the right difference.

2nd try? We'll see.

My vote for worst feature of Radio's web-based editor: the ESCAPE key throws everything away with NO confirmation on it. Bad news for vi users!!!

The Rendering problem was: Radio doesn't notice changes in a file (in particular, one of the "#" files) if you rename it and create a new file with the same name. But that's often what I do because of the CRs in those files when they're edited via Radio/I.E. I have a shell script that renames the file, and then runs 'tr" to create a new one with the CRs replaced by NLs. I just have to remember to remove the backups when I do that to Radio files. I think I ran into this same problem months ago, but now I want to start removing the excess tables in my theme. This also solved the mystery of why my "GIGOzilla" change did not take, until this morning.

(I had replaced my title with "GIGOzilla" and the dorky anagrammatic subtext with "Carrying trademark bullying to absurd lengths". But since the flap with Toho and Davezilla seems to have subsided, it's not particularly relevant any more, so I have reverted it.)
12:37:36 PM   comment/     

City Nicknames, Take IV

Looks like I'm the third-ranking Google authority on City Nicknames. Many thanks, again, to Erland Sommarskog for the Swedish selections (and to Jaguar's "Character Palette" for making it easier for me to type some of them). See my static site's City Nicknames list. for the current version.

Not that I'm trying to affect my Google-ranking on that score, mind you. But, oops: I moved into second place since last time I checked.
12:10:25 PM   comment/     

  Friday 20 September 2002

Unfortunate discovery of the day: the Mac OS X (Jaguar) Mail application's spelling check dictionary does not contain the word "Google".
9:24:37 PM   comment/     

pragprog, LotY, LL2

Whew! Bursty traffic on the Pragmatic Programmers' mailing list!

2002225 38 43 53 11  26 12142   
2001  38 43    26     1

Having stalled somewhat over the summer, there is now an ongoing discussion about what language to choose for next year's Language of the Year.

And the call just went out for presentations at the second "Lightweight Languages Worshop".

Lightweight Languages Worshop 2002 (LL2)

Saturday, November 9, 2002, MIT, Cambridge, MA


LL2 will be an intense, exciting, one-day forum, bringing together the best programming language implementors and researchers, from both academia and industry, to exchange ideas and information, to challenge one another, and to learn from one another.

12:39:28 AM   comment/     

  Thursday 19 September 2002
Thither, Intentional Programming

Last April, I wondered "Whither Intentional Programming?". In August, I added a few comments about Intentional Programming's relation to Aspect-Oriented Programming. Well, it looks like the connections between AOP and IP have now been cemented with greenbacks: See . I quote: "Dr. Charles Simonyi, previously a Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft Corporation, and Professor Gregor Kiczales, the leader of the development team for AspectJ programming language at PARC" are the founders of Intentional Software Corporation. Simonyi was a primary force behind IP; and Kiczales' AspectJ was the first and most accessible embodiment of AOP.

My April concern (about the Microsoft patents) still stands. Looks like a "Heads, I Win — Tails, You Lose" situation for Microsoft: If IP+AOP turns out not to be the big productivity booster that its proponents think it will be, then MS "wasn't involved". If IP+AOP does turn out to be a big productivity booster for programmers, then MS reels it in via its patents, and buys IntentSoft or just uses the ideas in its own version.
9:57:48 PM   comment/     

  Wednesday 18 September 2002
Add from email

Since I mentioned it earlier this evening, I updated my strange blogroll tables. That's what my <<Remember "Portals"?>> Nav-Link links to. What I really want is a news aggregator that allows me to add channels (subject to local approval for security reasons) from elsewhere. Via email or something, with minimal changes in the server software. Looks like I'm running into the kinds of "presence" problems that the Jabber project noticed a couple of years ago.
1:08:24 AM   comment/     

  Tuesday 17 September 2002
Add from comments

With my home system being off and off-line most of the time, the only input I have to my weblog from elsewhere is the comments.

What would be cool would be for me to be able to add a comment to my weblog, that would have a URL for some other new weblog I've found, and then the server would add that URL to a list — a "potential additions" list either in the news aggregator or in something like my inverted blogroll table.

Hmmm, maybe I could use a special part of my other weblog for this. Or maybe that'd be too unreliable and/or insecure.

More thought required.
11:47:49 PM   comment/     

  Monday 16 September 2002
wxPython ... and Scala

Got wxPython installed on my Windows system. Now if I can bring up the new Mac OS X beta version, I'll be seriously reconsidering my choice of Jython/Swing as the only reasonably cross-platform Python GUI library.

And the Scala folks now have a distribution that does not require Java 1.4, so I can try that on my home machine (Mac OS X, even Jaguar, only has a 1.3-level of Java).
12:14:06 AM   comment/     

  Sunday 15 September 2002
Psyco, the Python SpecialYzing COmpiler

Lambda points to a link from comp.lang.python. Sounds like it's time to try out Psyco:$2054?mode=topic

I'll have to check to see how much faster it makes my disassembler run.
11:43:05 PM   comment/     

  Saturday 14 September 2002
Blague-Piercing and Way Nu Ecoplasm

Part 1: Tony Pierce, on the LA Times in general:

is one of the comments from this item about an LA Times article:

which demonstrates the not-yet-a-maxim that "Writing a dead-trees article about blogging is like ... fishing about architecture ... or bicyling about dancing ... " or something.

Part 2: désagréable

My French language google-lesson yesterday led me to an Australian site "how to be obnoxious in French", which included a bit about French pronunciation as seen from Oz:

Part 3. Misspelling => neologism

Sometimes it works that way. Johnathan Peterson't typo "ecoplasm" in the comments on this item:
led me to suggest a definition: ecoplasm is ... Soylent Green.
1:26:00 AM   comment/     

  Friday 13 September 2002
C'est la blague

This past summer, I stopped in at the tasting room of Bonny Doon Winery, on my way to beautiful Panther Beach. I joined the "D.E.W.N." that day, the "Distinctive Esoteric Wine Network". (You get a pair of bottles of unusual wines sent to you, 4 times a year.) Winemaker Randall Grahm writes erudite intro letters for each shipment, reminiscent of the writing of Stan Kelly-Bootle, except wine-oriented instead of programming-oriented.

The label for a very nice French (Vin Pays d'Oc) Syrah that is imported by Bonny Doon Winery sounds like Randall must have helped write it. The name, though:

Domaine des Blagueurs

makes it sound somehow related to weblogs. Last May, I (barely) mentioned the word "bloggeur". I think it's a much more appropriate word than "blogger", because every blogger has a bit of the poseur in him or her. However, the label on this wine made me rethink this just a bit:

Blagueur: (Def.) Qqn. qui fait des blagues.

Perhaps the Bard put it best: "Ah sirrah! ..., we shall do nothing but eat, and make good cheer." Syrah, sirrah, is the brilliant French cépage which straddles France north and south and dialectically bridges rusticity and sophistication; its carte de visite — white pepper, anise, and cassis.

Altavista tells me that blagueur means "joker"; the circular definition on the label means "Joker: one who makes jokes". Knowing that, I would have to believe that whoever came up with the English term "blogger" must have known that it sounded a lot like blagueur. However, a Google search for "blagueur weblog" turns up zero hits (tonight, before I post this). "blagueur blog" gets six hits, all but one being pages written mostly in French. I wonder if blagueur's French pronunciation is too different for it to sound like a pun. Or the French just don't feel the need to point out such an obvious, um, blague.

C'est la blague.
1:13:11 AM   comment/     

  Thursday 12 September 2002
City Nicknames, Take III

City Nicknames in the Silicon Boom vein:
6:45:58 PM   comment/     

  Wednesday 11 September 2002
City Nicknames, Take II

Last March, I mentioned my table of City Nicknames. Hadn't done much with it since then, but lately many of the entries in my referrers list come from searches for just that phrase. So I did a little more research today, and the version here is closer. Still some more work to do. Found a couple of other related sites. I'll get the URLs in there (and/or in here) in due time.
11:00:42 PM   comment/     

  Tuesday 10 September 2002
Still considering .Mac

Still thinking about whether to sign up for .Mac. New today (or yesterday): Apple offered 100 free prints through iPhoto's digital photo printing service to current members, and those who sign up before October 31st of 2002.

Still don't like the clumsy way their software responds to bandwidth spikes on a given page.
1:46:43 AM   comment/     

  Monday 9 September 2002
Jaguar recovering

As far as I can tell at this point, everything that worked before I upgraded to Jaguar is working again. It's snappier. And some of the fonts are much more readable (especially the font used inside Radio's editing window!).

But I can't get VPN to work. I'll have to dig up some writeup about how it's supposed to work — I've never used it before.
9:41:48 PM   comment/     

  Sunday 8 September 2002
Jaguar Woes

Not too many problems with the Jaguar upgrade, but some have a fairly high impact :

  • Have to use a QWERTY keyboard. The methods I used on Rhapsody and all versions of Mac OS X since then, to install my own keyboard layout, do not work on Jaguar.
  • My main reasons for spending the $$ to get Jaguar was for the VPN client. Boy, is that a far cry from Apple's vaunted UI expertise! And I haven't yet become convinced that it connected properly to my employer's network.
  • (minor issue, I hope) Jaguar broke the connection between my newsgroup files and the Mac OS X version of MT-Newswatcher. Now, it keeps trying to start Classic when I double-click on them.

Oh, and not Jaguar-related: I guess I'm done with posting photos to the Web — my network disk allotments at and Radio UserLand's server are both nearly full.
12:59:29 PM   comment/     

Up On Jaguar

Well, this is coming from Jaguar. Fairly smooth update, except that I can't use my own keyboard layout, and I can't set my preferences in VPN.
2:08:48 AM   comment/     

  Saturday 7 September 2002
More Central Coast

Radio is eating my post.

Content part:

More photos here.

Radio speculation part:

Is it eating them because I tried to use a real em-dash (&#8212;) in the Title?

Or is it from using a Radio macro reference in the Link?

Or because I've gotten up to 92% usage of my 40 Megabytes on Radio's server?

Or cosmic rays?

Nope. The problem was a missing percent to close a Radio macro. But I fixed it in the weblogdata file and it didn't upstream it.
10:40:17 PM   comment/     

Central Coast — More

turkey vulture The rest of the photos Madrone tree close-up that I took last weekend are here.

10:34:27 PM   comment/     

  Friday 6 September 2002
Central Coast Sampler

Coopers Hawk, I think My camera found its way home after its extended vacation. Here is a small sample of the photos I got on my walk in the local state park.

11:47:59 PM   comment/     

  Thursday 5 September 2002
Light Reading

Got to spend the long weekend on the Central Coast; pix when my camera gets back from its vacation. Finished reading Java Design — Objects, UML, and Process by Kirk Knoernschild. Now, I need to write a review of it for the ACCU newsletter. A more appropriate title might be UML Design — with Java examples. The examples are pretty well done in the book, and I do now have a better appreciation for UML. Nice summaries of RUP and xP in an appendix.

At the local used bookstore down there, I found Ishi, Last of His Tribe, by Theodora Kroeber. That "K" is the "K" in "Ursula K Le Guin". This Bantam paperback is the fictionalized 1964 version of Ishi's story. Somewhere, I also have Ishi, the Last Yahi, which is the more scholarly anthropological treatment.

There is now a federally designated Wilderness Area, The Ishi Wilderness, that contains some of the land where some of the Yahi lived. It's in northeast California, in the northernmost foothills of the area where the Cascades meet the Sierra. North of Chico, east of Red Bluff, and south of Mt Lassen.
1:31:56 AM   comment/     

  Wednesday 4 September 2002
Stupid .Mac bandwidth limits

Somewhere, someone pointed to some very nicely-done political posters, at

Unforttunately, Apple's inflexible policy about bandwidth has caused the site to become unavailable this evening. You'd think that spikes would be permitted as long as the volume doesn't stay high for several days.

I used to work for Apple, so I had a free account and I have been trying to decide whether to sign up for their .mac services. This bandwidth thing is one huge flag pointing me in the "I don't think so" direction.

One other is the stupidly long URLs that they force on you, and the even longer ones that whatever software they're using (webobjects?) generates.
11:47:21 PM   comment/     

PCT Hikers' Journals

Well, they're mostly into Washington by now. Here are some of the journals from this year's crop of PCT hikers:

  • On the PCTA site:
    all three of the normal folk are keeping fairly decent journals. The triple-crown guys may or may not be; but I'd guess that they're too busy walking to write much. At any rate, I couldn't find anything since May on their site.
  • on, Navigation is more difficult here, but several of the folks on are still going strong.
  • not much time to look, but I couldn't tell whether there were any 2002 journals on

Maybe next year ... or the one after that.
11:22:33 PM   comment/     

  Tuesday 3 September 2002

Today's attitude: "Oh, cool. I get to do another day. Lemme see if I can make good use of it. Make the world just a leetle bit better for my having gotten to do this day."
8:36:16 PM   comment/     

  Monday 2 September 2002
BackpackingLight Links

Now that I have gotten to subscribe the backpackingLight list, I can actually find the time to look at it once in a while.

Here, I've collected links to some of the newer developments since I've been out of touch with the lightweight backpacking community.

  • Last year, I bought a G4 backpack from Glen van Peski I love it. It weighs about 12 ounces.
  • builds gear based in part on designs pioneered by Ray Jardine
  • I made three pepsi-can stoves last year, and still use the one I have left (I gave away the other two). If I don't make myself some more, I'm thinking of getting a Brasslite stove. $55.
  • Another new company: ULA -- Ultralight Adventure Equipment, Logan, Utah
  • An amazing work of comparison ... Biker Dave's guide to Ultralight tents, tarps, tarptents, (no tenttarps?), hammocks, bivy sacks, sleeping bags, and backpacks. An amazing work.

10:05:24 PM   comment/     

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