Wikis, Facets, Categories, Tags
A big discussion has been going on at work, about Wikis and whether they threaten some of the company's products.
And now that I have DSL,
I've been experimenting with turning my home machine into a server.
Not much to make public yet.
I have a basic webware running, but it's already a little frustrating how much you have to do in order to control the URLs. Apache's mod_rewrite is not the friendliest of interfaces, even for those of us who have been familiar with regular expressions for nearly thirty years.
I have long been attracted to the sort of tag based (aka "faceted") classification that Kim Burchett describes and exemplifies in the Diamond Wiki, so I deployed that on my server ... It Just Worked.
Ultimately, I think the best organization for a weblog will be to have five to fifty top- or 2nd-level categories, and then just tags/facets for anything less broad. It's been interesting to mess around with to see collective ways of organizing these kinds of things.
I managed to snag a three-letter subdomain of "" from last month, so I now have three mighty short URL namespaces that I currently have control over:,, and the zia one that I just mentioned. When I combine that with my three-character date stamp, it will be pretty cool.
Does Mac OS X have a "sleep" mode that lets it wake up if there's a request from the net? Or are there routers that can do that sort of thing?
10:26:25 PM