Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Source: WebLogs @

Okay, it's time to take the wraps off. Kathleen Dollard, simply the smartest person I know, has finished her Code Generation in Microsoft .NET book for APress.

I guarantee that this will be the hardest book you read in 2004, but also that it will be the single most important book for making you as productive as you can be as a .NET or SQL Server programmer.

You know all that boring, repetitive code you write for a typical application? Do away with it and generate it automatically, letting you focus on all the custom, interesting, fun, and ground-breaking code that goes into every application.

Disclaimer: I am the book's tech editor and was Kathleen's go-to guru for XSLT. So I'm intimately familiar with everything the book talks about--particularly as chief guinea pig, since I was the first person to do a real application using her templates and techniques--and I can heartily recommend it. Even if you use a framework or other development technologies, you'll learn a lot from her explorations of codegen in .NET.

My #1 book recommendation for 2004, even though it hasn't started yet!

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