Monday, February 02, 2004

Selling Used Books. Over the Christmas break I decided to put many of my programming books to use by listing them on "amazon". I figured I'd rather make money by selling them than continuing to expand shelving space to accommodate an ever-growing collection. Sales were brisk over the first two weeks; I sold five books for a total of $100. Traffic has died off since and I think I figured out why. The books that sold were all priced very competitively - generally within the lowest five prices listed. I've since repriced my remaining books. I'm listing only programming or inspirational books at this time. I may expand into other areas if these sell well.
1:21:47 PM      

Library Lookup. I finally got around to setting up Jon Udell's Library Lookup feature for my local library: The Palatine Public Library. It works very well. I hope I start using the library more and Amazon less.
1:11:26 PM      

Wardrobe Malfunction? Well, I guess Janet Jackson is no longer on the list of women I'd like my daughter to be like when she grows up. And that is enough said about that topic.
12:50:05 PM