Jon Phipps' NSDL Weblog
Good stuff that NSDLers might find interesting, and an experiment in using weblogs for community building and knowledge transfer.

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Thursday, July 24, 2003

"Tony Hammond from Elsevier has announced a PRISM module for RSS 1.0, and provided some example data feeds, including one for Nature.

PRISM, Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata, defines a vocabulary for syndicating, aggregating, post-processing and multi-purposing magazine, news, catalog, book, and mainstream journal content.

Hammond writes that their RSS/PRISM feeds "demonstrate how the PRISM terms enable us to publish a full magazine table of contents as RSS/RDF. We expect that there will be other applications that can make use of this rich metadata term set."

Demonstrations of test data include a Nature feed, a Tetrahedron feed, and an HTML demo rendering of that feed."

2:46:18 PM    comment []

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Last update: 7/24/2003; 2:46:54 PM.

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