the power of 0ne
where binary meets reality
the power of 0ne
# November 15, 2004
Whew! Finally back in front of my Weblog machine, I had an amazing time at BloggerCon and wanted to say a few things about some of the people I met while I was there.
"Steve Kirks": Steve is totally awesome, we met up in Mineapolis on the 3rd and spent the next 5 days travelling around together, including attending BloggerCon. Great travelling companion and generally a lot of fun to be around. I'm very much looking forward to working with Steve in the future.
"Scott Young": Scott is the CEO of "Userland" and has all the business and tech smarts you would expect from the CEO of a technology company, but he's also totally approachable. Silicon Valley needs more CEOs like Scott.
"Dave Slusher": Of all the people I wanted to meet heading in to BloggerCon, Dave was #1 on the list, and I wasn't disapointed. What a great guy. The success of his podcast is proof that good things do happen to nice people.
"Robert Scoble": Every time I'm in the same room as Scoble I can't get over how much energy he has, wow. Didn't get much of a chance to chat with him, but I did get a second Channel9 guy ;)
"Dave Silfry": I had a brief chat with Silfry right after Adam's Podcast sesssion. Pretty much what I expected from the man who brought us Technorati, very intelligent, get's straight to the point.
"Adam Curry": Adam looked a little overwhelmed, everyone who had ever heard of podcasting wanted a piece of him. I had a couple brief chats, but not enough to really form an opinion of him.
"Jeff Cheney": I got my best compliment of the weekend from Jeff, in essence he said I've got the right stuff as a programmer, coming from a fellow Usertalk programmer this felt really good. Thanks Jeff!
"Kieran": Great ideas, needs a new public blog!