Monday, April 07, 2003

Managed Wrapper for BITS

BITS is a pretty cool background transfer service that does the hard work of actually determining when your network connection is idle to transfer files. A managed wrapper for the API just became available on MSDN.

5:38:38 PM    

Blast from the Past

Keith brings up writing certification exams for Microsoft.  We both did this for a while and became SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) in the terminology of the team at the time.  It was interesting to get some insight into the truly bizarre way that importance is assigned to topics in those tests.  The way correct answers were determined was sometimes even more bizarre.  One of the main reasons that I stopped the whole exam treadmill years ago. 

I still laugh when I remember back to arguing with Ken and Mike over whether or not Access questions should be on a Windows Architecture exam...

7:49:56 AM