Social Security
Senator Salazar may support the President regarding cabinet nominations but that is not the case on the President's Social Security Plan, according to the Rocky Mountain News [January 31, 2005, "Salazar attacks Bush Social Security plan"]. From the article, "Repeating the position of many congressional Democrats girding for battle over the issue, Salazar - as always, wearing his cowboy hat - said the Social Security system may need adjustments, but that it's not in a state of crisis. Instead, Salazar said the domestic agenda should focus on fixing the nation's health care crisis and curtailing the ballooning federal deficit, which he says would grow even worse under Bush's Social Security plans. The Congressional Budget Office recently projected that this year's deficit would hit $368 billion, excluding war costs in Iraq and Afghanistan."
Here's the coverage from the Denver Post [January 31, 2005, "Salazar says Social Security plan would hurt Coloradans"].
Update: Josh Marshall: "We're going to try to bring you an annotated edition of the Republican strategy memo which we posted earlier today. And today or tomorrow we'll also be posting those 'privatization' flimflam quotes that readers helped us track down." Should be fun.
6:19:30 AM