Here's an enlightened view of a way to slow down illegal immigration, mine the border. The writer is really raising the level of discourse. From the article, "By placing large fields of landmines, we could deter many illegals from trying to enter the country. This would free border patrol agents of patrolling long empty stretches of border, and funnel illegals to chokepoints where they are more likely to be captured. This would be more cost effective and successful than hiring more border guards. There are those who decry landmines as inhumane, but that is not always the case. When it is plainly advertised that an area is mined, it causes a person to reconsider crossing the area. I would be just as happy if none of the mines were ever detonated, because the same purpose was still served. Illegal immigrants would be much less likely to enter the country if they thought it might cost them their lives. I despise the idea of illegal immigration, and all Americans should find it equally loathsome. America was founded as a nation of laws, and our highest principles all stem from a lawful society. To try to reap benefits from a lawful society by entering it illegally is a slap in the face to our ideals. What[base ']s more, it is an offense to those productive and hardworking individuals who come to this country legally, with intentions of becoming productive members of society. These people honor the laws of their new home and should be welcomed as honorable citizens." Thanks to Jesus' General for the link.
Oval Office 2008: "Not for a little while now has anyone seriously talked about Pennsylvania Republican Senator Rick Santorum as a likely presidential prospect. The main reason for this is the difficulties he faces holding onto his Senate seat next year. Meanwhile, Arizona Republican Senator John McCain can't eat a cookie without someone commentating on its implications for the 2008 presidential election. McCain's difficulty, so the conventional wisdom goes, is that Christian conservatives tend not to like him much - at least, not as presidential material. It was an opportunity waiting to be noticed. 'McCain will attend fund-raisers this week in Pennsylvania for fellow Republican Sen. Rick Santorum," reports Associated Press, carried here in the Centre Daily Times of Pennsylvania.'
Howling At A Waning Moon: "Global warming is melting the Arctic ice so fast that a new sea route is opening up between the Atlantic and the Pacific."
The Moderate Voice: "Over the summer, Canada became the fourth country to legalize same-sex marriage -- a great milestone in Canadian history. Now South Africa has (almost) done the same."
Functional Ambivalent: "The American people. Thankfully, they seldom let me down. In the particular case of government regulation of television, a Russell Research survey conducted mid-November showed that while 81% of parents are concerned about what is available on TV, only 9% think it's the government's business to regulate it. American parents believe, God bless 'em, that the best way to regulate what children see on TV is for parents to be more involved in their children's lives. Clearly, all but a crackpot few think the government ought to let parents be parents." Thanks to NewMexiKen for the link.
Cateogry: 2008 Presidential Election
8:20:20 AM