Thursday, August 3, 2006
Here's an email list managed by PHP List from Clay Calhoun. Here's the link for the RSS feed We couldn't find working permalinks on Mr. Calhoun's weblog.
From the PHP List website, "phplist is an open-source newsletter manager. phplist is free to download, install and use, and is easy to integrate with any website. phplist is downloaded 7000 times per month. phplist is sponsored by tincan."
"denver 2006"
9:18:58 PM
Andy Oram has a very long piece about identity and the recent Identity Mashup up on Onlamp.com. If you stick with it to the end you'll read, "I can't end this article without sharing some of the most pessimistic fears aired at the Mashup by some of its most well-informed participants, such as Stefan Brand. Brand admitted to feeling near despair sometimes, because we could easily move into a society where RFIDs are embedded in our bodies and every move is tracked. 'I'm afraid that, despite all our best efforts, our technical solutions may drive us into totalitarianism.' There were many responses that tried to assuage this fear, but no one could banish it.
"Perhaps our best hope was cited by Berkman Center fellow Mary Rundle, who said that we must maintain multiple sources of power that can constrain each other, so that 'power cannot be used to amass more power.'"
Thanks to Phil Windley for the link.
"2008 pres"
5:52:09 PM
Kansas City Star: "Coming changes in the state school board mean Kansas is likely to return to evolution-friendly education standards - and remain mired in a fight over how the theory is taught in classrooms. Conservative Republicans lost control of the State Board of Education on Tuesday only nine months after they had enacted science standards expressing doubt about evolutionary theory. Critics saw the standards as an attack on evolution, and Kansas received international ridicule as a result. The conservative board majority was 6-4 going into this year's election, and moderate Republicans unseated one conservative incumbent and captured a seat held by a retiring conservative in Tuesday's primary elections. That left the balance of power at 6-4 in favor of moderates who believe the standards should reflect mainstream scientific views - and treat evolution as a well-established theory."
Thanks to TalkLeft for the link.
"2008 pres"
7:08:18 AM

Jackson Hole News: "[Dustin Child] represents a recent addition to the environmental movement. Ever since the Forest Service earmarked Child's hunting grounds for oil and gas development, the owner of Trophy Mountain Outfitters has joined a growing coalition of sportsmen working to preserve the wild lands where they work and play. Outfitter Gary Amerine, owner of Greys River Trophies, follows close behind, leading the rest of the group. Child teamed with Amerine in his quest to protect the Wyoming Range from oil and gas leases that could, they say, turn the Wyoming Range into another Jonah Field, one of the densest gas fields in the nation. For these outfitters, protecting this land isn't just a moral duty, it's a matter of survival. Many of the hunters who pay top dollar to hunt big game at Child's and Amerine's hunting camps said they wouldn't return if wells marred the landscape. 'No one in their right mind would pay to take a scenic pack trip through oil and gas wells,' says Amerine who, with his wife, Jenny, hosted the trip. 'The Wyoming Range is on the front burner right now. It's gonna set a precedent for a lot of other areas.'[...]
"About half an hour into the horseback ride, we pass hillsides and fields with sagebrush interspersed with wildflowers like Indian paintbrush and purple lupine. But up on the top of a meadow, the sage and flower landscape switches quickly to a uniform sea of grass. Off in the distance, we see a well that was capped roughly 30 years ago, nothing more than a large metal pipe fitted with a bolted collar. Cathy Purves of the conservation group Trout Unlimited explains that three decades after operators capped the well, the land still hasn't recovered. The exotic grass and weeds are entrenched. A few hundred feet up the hillside, another well, capped in 1971, looks even worse. Instead of grass, dandelions choke out the natural flora and we can easily make out linear patterns where earth moving equipment evened out the ground. 'If me or Dustin did that to our camp, we would lose our permit,' says Amerine."
"2008 pres"
6:24:31 AM
© Copyright 2009 John Orr.
Last update: 3/15/09; 11:48:55 AM.